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Obama's memoirs break sales records

On the first day, 887 copies of the book were sold

The first volume of former US President Barack Obama's memoirs, "A Promised Land" (A Promised Land), set a sales record on its first day: on November 17, 887 copies of the book were sold in the United States and Canada. 

This is reported with reference to the statement of the publisher Penguin Random House CNN.

Yes, the book can be bought from Tuesday, November 17. On this day, 887 copies were sold in the USA and Canada, including those that were pre-ordered. At the same time, Barack Obama's book turned out to be more in demand than his wife Michelle's memoir "The Establishment". In 000, 2017 copies were sold on the first day of sales.

Note that in the first volume of his memoirs, Obama tells "the story of his incredible odyssey from a young man searching for himself as a person to the leader of the free world."


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