
In the Mykolaiv region, a radio broadcasts freely with Russian propaganda

Despite the war.

During the war, Russian radio broadcasts freely in some territories of Ukraine, carrying its propaganda narratives to the residents of our country. Our readers sent us a video recorded on the P55 highway in the village of Veselinov, Mykolaiv region.

The video shows a recording of the AM 1413 broadcast, where a man's voice speaks in Russian about "Wagner" and "Russia's victories in Africa" ​​from a studio in Moscow. The Russian federal state radio station "Visti FM" works on this frequency.

Let us emphasize that we, as journalists, adhere to all the rules and standards of wartime in our work. In order to get to the filming of a critical infrastructure object or the place of arrival of a rocket, it is necessary to undergo inspections and obtain special permits.

On the other hand, the radio of the enemy is quietly speaking in Ukraine today. We learned about it only today, and local residents have been bumping into Russian waves all months of the war, which the local authorities simply could not help but know. However, as we can see, no action has been taken.

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