
Uncertainty with Ukraine and four finalists: League of Nations results

Who left, who stayed, and who dropped in the class

The final game day in the League of Nations has come to an end. There were four groups in each division. One of the teams of League A had the opportunity to get to the final four by winning the first place. In the second leagues, first place guaranteed promotion, while last place guaranteed relegation.

The winners of League A groups will play for the honorary trophy in the final four in 2021. Four semi-finalists were determined: Italy, Belgium, France and Spain.

Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Wales have moved up from League B. Northern Ireland, Slovakia, Turkey and Bulgaria go to League C.

The Ukrainian national team will await UEFA's decision on the canceled match in Switzerland. The officials at the table will decide who will be demoted in class. Ukraine can either maintain its position or be relegated to League B.


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