
The SBU blocked Maksym Galkin's entry into Ukraine, considering him a separatist

Galkin and Volodymyr Zelenskyi maintained friendly relations for a long time and jointly hosted television shows.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) explained the reason why comedian Maksym Galkin was banned from entering the country. About this сообщает AP News with reference to the department.

Representatives of the Security Service of Ukraine told the publication that the basis for adding the "specified foreigner" to the list of those who are prohibited from entering Ukraine was his activities, which representatives of the department considered to be harmful to the country's interests.

"In particular, activities aimed at provoking separatists, creating prerequisites for violating the territorial integrity of our state, supporting the temporary occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine by the aggressor state," the SBU said.

The department did not specify what actions or statements of the comedian are in question.

The number of those blacklisted by the agency has grown to 259 people.

Let us remind you that the current president of Ukraine and Volodymyr Zelensky have long maintained friendly relations and even jointly hosted television programs, including the Russian version of "Comedian's Laughter." "New Year's Parade of Stars-2014" and others.

Formerly Goskino of Ukraine banned the screening of the film in which Volodymyr Zelensky played the main role.


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