Show business

President under ban: Goskino for the first time banned a film with the participation of Zelensky

People from the current Office of the President worked on the film.

For the first time, the State Agency of Ukraine on Cinema issues banned the distribution of a film in which the current president of the country, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, played one of the main roles.

As Goskino reports, since October 2015, not a single Ukrainian distribution company has received a rental certificate from the agency for the 2012 film "Rzhevsky vs. Napoleon", in which Zelensky played the role of the French general.

The reason for this was the episodic appearance in the tape of the Russian humorist Yury Galtsev, who since October 6, 2015 is on the list of persons who threaten the national security of Ukraine. According to the article of the law "On cinematography", the distribution of such films in the country is prohibited.

Earlier, Yury Galtsev said that he was "neither warm nor cold" because of the ban on films with his participation in Ukraine. It is also known that the comedian illegally visited Russian-occupied Crimea.

At the same time, Zelensky not only played the role of Napoleon in this film, but also produced it together with the current adviser to the head of state, Sergei Shefir, as well as Boris Shefir and Andrey Yakovlev, who worked with the president at Kvartal 95 Studio.

It should be noted that the film "Rzhevsky vs. Napoleon" received a negative rating from users of the profile site IMDb - 2,7 stars out of 10. The total box office collection of the tape amounted to more than $10,3 million against a budget of $8,5 million.


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