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Why does Ukraine remind about its historical lands in the Russian Federation - an expert

Vladimir Fesenko

On the Day of the Assembly, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, signed a decree on the territories of the Russian Federation historically inhabited by Ukrainians. The document concerns Ukrainians living in the Krasnodar Territory, Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, and Rostov regions of the Russian Federation. Volodymyr Fesenko, Chairman of the Board of the Center for Applied Political Research "Penta", expressed his vision for such a political step of Ukraine.

The expert notes that Zelenskyi's decree destroys the Kremlin's argument about the return of "Russian" lands in the aggressive Russian-Ukrainian war. But it does not mean any territorial claims of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.

This decree, like the draft law on multiple citizenship, is only evidence that Ukrainians are not only in Ukraine. The Ukrainian community, the Ukrainian nation, have their representatives in various countries of the world, in particular in the country whose leadership unleashed a dirty war against us. In this way, we remind you that there are Ukrainians in the Russian Federation itself. Moreover, the territories named in the decree are places of historical residence of Ukrainians.

Why is this important? In particular, because Russia is now making territorial claims against us. It annexes, as the Russians say, Russian lands. In fact, these are lands on which Ukrainians historically lived, but these are lands that were historically multinational (like the same Crimea). But with the aforementioned decree, we remind Russians that Ukrainians also live on the territory of the Russian Federation, and this is also the case historically. And not only in the regions mentioned in the decree.

The decree of the President of Ukraine has not only a symbolic meaning, but it is also a reminder to the Russians that their argument regarding the occupied territories does not work

For example, we can also mention the Green Wedge in the Far East, or the territory of Western Siberia, where Ukrainians have lived for decades, because they have compactly concentrated professionally.

In general, all this actually destroys the Russian argument that Russia is returning historically "Russian lands" to Ukraine. After all, if we act according to this logic, Russia should give most of its territories to other peoples who historically lived there. So this argument doesn't work.

In this sense, the aforementioned decree of the President of Ukraine has not only a symbolic meaning, but it is also a reminder to the Russians that their argumentation regarding the occupied territories does not work, so it is necessary to proceed from historical realities. And one of these realities is that Ukrainians have historically lived on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Regarding the thesis about the development of interaction between Ukrainians and the peoples enslaved by Russia, what is mentioned in the decree is an element of the strategy to fight against Russian imperialism. Mentioning this is a reminder of the multinational nature of the Russian Federation. So, if the Russian Federation acts as an empire both in relation to its peoples living on its territory and in relation to neighboring states, then sooner or later this empire will cease to exist.

In simple words, if Russia behaves like an empire, then Ukrainians, in particular those living on the territory of the Russian Federation, will interact with the enslaved peoples for their liberation and to overcome the Russian imperial status, which brings evil to the peoples of the Russian Federation and its neighbors.

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