Law and justice

He took off his underpants and showed his genitals to a schoolgirl: the court sentenced the man from Odessa

At that time, the girl was not yet 16 years old.

In Odessa, the court sentenced a man who took off his underwear and showed his genitals to a schoolgirl, asking her to engage in oral sex with him.

It happened on September 27 on General Tsvetaeva Street. The man was intoxicated when he met a schoolgirl who was returning home after school. The accused unbuttoned his trousers, pulled down his underpants and urged the girl to have oral sex with him.

The victim, who at that time was not even 16 years old, ran home and told her mother about what had happened. The man was detained and he repented of what he had done.

During the court session, the man repented of what he had done.

However, since the accused is being brought to criminal responsibility for the first time, the court sentenced him to 4 years of imprisonment, but released him from serving the sentence with a probationary period of 1 hour and 6 months.


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