
"Chip and Dale rush to the rescue." The trailer of the full-length film was released

The famous chipmunks will return after 30 years.

The first trailer of the full-length cartoon "Chip and Dale" appeared on the Internet. The film is the return of famous heroes who debuted on TV already 30 years ago. The main characters were voiced by Andy Samberg and John Maleny.

The details of the plot are kept secret, but it is known that the famous chipmunks will return after 30 years of absence and will find themselves in the merciless world of computer animation.

According to the plot, the animated series was actually a show in which chipmunks were once filmed. After the cancellation of the series, Chip became an insurance agent, and Dale underwent an operation to "implement computer graphics" and became a participant in various festivals, where he talks about previous successes. After 30 years, the heroes reunite after the disappearance of their filming partner.

The film also featured Seth Rogen, Eric Bana, Will Arnett, JK Simmons and Kiki Lane.

Roger Rabbit, Aladdin, characters from the movie "Cats" and others appeared in the trailer.

Let us remind you that "Chip and Dale" were invented by Disney in 1943, and since 1989 the broadcast of the animated series "Chip and Dale rush to the rescue" began.

The new film will be shown exclusively on the Disney+ streaming service on May 20.


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