
Utesov, Zhvanetskyi, the Opera House: an Odessa resident tattooed the city on his back

The job cost the guy more than $2.

Yevgeny Eroshevsky from Odessa, the chef of a restaurant on Deribasovskaya Street, got an unusual tattoo. Utesov and Zhvanetsky are smiling on his back. Below is the Vorontsov colonnade, the opera house, the mayor Duke de Richelieu, famous Odessa courtyards and even the beautiful car "Chaika", which, as if, had just arrived.

As Yevgeny said, the idea to draw Odessa on himself was born a long time ago, and a tattoo artist friend helped to realize it.

"I am proud that I was born here. This is a wonderful city. At first, I wanted to imprint the ego on my hand, but there was not enough space for it," Yevgeny Eroshevsky said.

The idea of ​​the "Odessa courtyard with photographs" belongs to the tattoo artist Yury Plyshenko. The picture, which occupied the entire back from the neck to the lower back, was stuffed for three long months on weekends.

 "The work itself took about 8 sessions. The most difficult thing was to convey such detail, because the photos are quite small. Although the back is a voluminous part, it was still difficult to convey the portraits of Odessa celebrities, because it should be recognizable," said Yury Plyshenko.

Such an unusual work of art was highly appreciated at the All-Ukrainian Tattoo Festival in Kharkov, where more than a hundred people participated. There it was recognized as the best work of all.

"I really like her. Odessa is depicted here, which, alas, is no longer there. And, most likely, it will never happen. We have lost the old Odessa — that beautiful one. Now there are new buildings everywhere, unreconstructed houses, everything is falling apart!", Yevgeny explains.

Such work cost the guy more than 2 dollars. But Yevgeny Yaroshevsky is not going to rest on his laurels. He plans to tattoo his entire body, except for his neck and head.


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