
The fare on Odessa minibuses increases to 10 hryvnias

Fares on Odesa minibuses will be increased from 7 to 10 hryvnias from September 15, the correspondent of the ElitExpert agency reports.

Corresponding advertisements are pasted in the cabins of minibuses. They say: "Due to the increase in all component expenses. that form the tariff and travel of fuel and lubricants, from January 15, the cost of one trip on city bus routes will be 10 hryvnias."

Such announcements are pasted, in particular, in the cabins of minibuses No. 221, 150, 148, 146 and others.

The last time fares for Odesa minibuses were raised in January 2018 — then the fare increased from 5 to 7 hryvnias.


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