
More than 110 thousand people came to say goodbye to Kernes

At the same time, the police have not yet said how many people gathered at cemetery No. 2, where Kernes was buried

Say goodbye to Kharkiv Mayor Gennady Kernes, whose funeral took place on Wednesday, December 23, more than 110 thousand people came.

This was reported in the press service of the GUNP in the Kharkiv region.

At the same time, the police have not yet said how many people gathered at cemetery No. 2, where Kernes was buried.

"We will be able to name these data after the event," law enforcement officers added.

In Kharkiv, near the Lysenko Opera and Ballet Theater, where the farewell ceremony for Gennady Kernes took place, a huge queue of people wishing to say goodbye to the mayor lined up today. It stretched from the Shevchenko monument to Khatob itself.


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