
The earthquake in Indonesia killed more than 160 people

The search for survivors continues

In Indonesia, on November 21, a powerful earthquake occurred in the province of West Java in Indonesia, which killed more than 160 people

The epicenter of the 5,6-magnitude earthquake was near the town of Chianjur in mountainous West Java, about 75 km southeast of the capital, Jakarta. More than 2,5 million people live in the region.

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said on Instagram that 162 people were killed and 326 were injured. Rescuers are looking for people who are likely to be under the rubble, and the search will continue throughout the night.

Ridwan told reporters that given that many buildings had collapsed, the death toll could rise.

"Residents are trapped in isolated areas ... so we expect the number of injured and dead to rise over time."


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