
He considered himself a god and cut off his father's head: details of a terrible murder in Odessa

Yesterday, January 20, in Odesa, on Nebesnaya Sotna Street, a half-naked young man came out of the entrance of a five-story building, holding a bloody head in his hands

Yesterday, January 20, in Odesa, he was half-naked on Nebesnaya Sotna Street a young man came out of the entrance of a five-story building, holding a bloody head in his hands, sat down on a bench to smoke. Something similar to human intestines hung from the young man's thighs. The police called to the address detained the guy. At the detainee's house, they found two corpses with a huge number of knife wounds, one body was missing its head, the other was literally gutted inside out. The whole apartment was covered in blood.

He writes about new details of the murder "".

The killer is 30 years old. In his parents' apartment, he stabbed two people — his own father and a person who rented a room from the suspect. They were 53 and 33 years old, respectively.

According to neighbors, the killer has been behaving strangely lately. For example, I could stand in one place for a long time muttering some words. He was unemployed for several months: the last time he worked in one of the hotels, but was fired due to inappropriate behavior and drug problems. He had clear signs of a mental disorder. By the way, as the publication writes, at the time of the murder, he was in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

After the arrest, the murderer behaved inappropriately: in particular, he said that the murder was a sacrifice to him - to God. "It is said that he came down to earth, but he did not meet with respect here. People forgot God, and he got angry."


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