
The National Security Council said that the Ukrainian army has already increased its strength to liberate Donbass

But this will not be done.

Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security Service of Ukraine, said that the Ukrainian army has sufficient strength to liberate the territories controlled by the separatists.

However, this will not be done, as you will have to make huge sacrifices. Danilov announced this on the 1+1 broadcast.

He called on Ukrainians not to discredit their own army, expressed his belief that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are 100% ready to protect us. Danilov also confirmed that if necessary, the Ukrainian army is capable of liberating the occupied cities, but the price of such a decision is extremely high.

"Can we take [occupied cities]? Yes, we can. Maybe we can take Horlovka and Donetsk. But you need to understand that people are behind it. Who will go to the fact that tens of thousands of people may die. "Who will be responsible for this?" said the Secretary of the National Security Council.


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