
Lukashenko spoke about opening a "front" against Ukraine

The head of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, whose powers are not recognized by official Kyiv, announced a tense situation in relations with Ukraine.

"The saddest thing is Ukraine. We are opening a new, as the old saying goes, front. We see what they are creating. Not only that our fugitives ran there, but more and more training camps are being created there, where they are trained to work purposefully in Belarus, as the special services say," Lukashenko said.

He added. that they and Putin are considering steps against Ukraine.

"They are dragging NATO troops there, to Ukraine. Under the guise of training centers, they actually create bases of the United States in Ukraine. It is clear that we need to react to this...

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and I held and are conducting consultations on this issue and agreed that some actions should be taken there. Otherwise, tomorrow we will have an unacceptable situation right on the border between Belarus and Russia. Up to the placement of missiles of the appropriate range. We didn't sign up for it and we can't allow it."


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