Political behind the scenes

Zelensky said that he was "a little" angry with Trump

Donald Trump persuaded Zelensky to open a case against the son of his rival Joe Biden.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he was "a little" angry with former US President Donald Trump. He said this in an interview with the Axios program on the American TV channel HBO.

Journalist: “I see you are angry with President Trump. Maybe a little?”

Zelensky: "A little."

This moment of the interview was published by NVO channel as an announcement of the interview. Its full version should be published on Sunday, January 31.

In early September 2019, The Washington Post reported that then-US President Donald Trump persuaded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi to open a case against the son of his rival in the 2020 election, Joe Biden.

On September 25, the White House released the text of the phone conversation between US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which led to the start of impeachment proceedings in the US. It follows from the text of the conversation that Trump persuaded the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky to start an investigation against the political opponent of former Vice President Joe Biden.

However, Zelensky previously publicly denied that the US president was putting pressure on him.

On December 19, 2019, the House of Representatives announced the first impeachment of Trump on the basis of the accusation of pressure on Ukraine.


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