Science and technology

Blinken told how artificial intelligence helps to detect Russian disinformation about Ukraine

Russia is constantly pushing a stream of disinformation about the war.

The US has developed a system based on artificial intelligence to detect and collect Russian disinformation on the Internet. How artificial intelligence helps to find disinformation about Ukraine Told me US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken in a speech at the annual award ceremony of the international human rights organization Freedom House.

“The State Department has developed an AI-powered online content aggregator about Ukraine to collect verifiable Russian disinformation and then share it with partners around the world. We promote independent media and digital literacy. We are working with partners in academia to reliably detect fake text created by Russian chatbots,” said Blinken.

The US Secretary of State also explained how his department responds to threats to human rights on the Internet and disinformation.

For years, Russia has been creating a propaganda system that works not only for its own population, but also for a foreign audience. Russian TV channels and bots in social networks have expanded their activities in most countries of the world. Thanks to this, Russia managed to influence the course of election campaigns in the USA and the EU, Brexit and referendums, and public opinion in many countries.

Since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, the Russian Federation has continued to promote its narratives both in Ukraine and in other countries. In this regard, many Western countries banned the broadcasting of Russian TV channels.

According to Blinken, the US government is working with scientists "to reliably detect fake text created by Russian chatbots."

The US secretary of state also warned that artificial intelligence technology could backfire if it falls into the "bad hands".

"It also threatens to strengthen authoritarian governments, in particular, it can allow them to use social media even more effectively to manipulate their peoples and sow division among their adversaries," the head of the US State Department noted.


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