
In Ukraine, they plan to test the Indian spray against the coronavirus

This is a new product that is already on the verge of testing

Ukraine intends to take part in clinical trials of an Indian-made anti-coronavirus spray. This is a new product that is already on the verge of testing. This was stated by Health Minister Maksym Stepanov during a briefing.

"We have agreed to participate in clinical trials of the development of a new vaccine in the form of a nasal spray or drops," Stepanov said.

According to the head of the Ministry of Health, the second and third stages of the tests can be conducted in Ukraine. Stepanov explained that if part of the clinical trials will be conducted in Ukraine, then in the case of proof of effectiveness, the country will receive priority access to this drug.

As a reminder, yesterday, February 23, the first batch of CoviShield coronavirus vaccines was delivered to Ukraine Indian production. Start of vaccination expected today.


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