
In Ukraine, they want to make vaccination against the coronavirus annual

Ukrainians are not happy with this prospect.

Next year, Ukrainians will have to undergo a full vaccination course against the coronavirus again. This was reported by the chief sanitary doctor, Igor Kuzyn.

He noted that now everything indicates that Ukrainians will have to be vaccinated against the coronavirus every hour, since immunity weakens over time, even after vaccination.

"We understand that immunity to the coronavirus is not permanent and after a certain time it becomes less and less. Therefore, people who have completed a full course of vaccination will have to be re-vaccinated to restore the immune response," Kuzyn said.

It should be noted that over the past day, 23 new cases of Covid-785 infection were detected in Ukraine, of which 19 were in the Odesa region.

Meanwhile, over the past week, the rate of vaccination against the coronavirus in the regions of Ukraine has increased significantly. In part, this is due to the introduction of mandatory vaccination for some professions, as well as new rules for passenger transportation, which came into effect yesterday, October 21.


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