
In the Odesa hospital, children are fed poor-quality food


Concerned parents ask the relevant authorities to immediately respond to the situation in the Odesa Regional Children's Hospital.

Recently, society was shaken by shocking news about the inadequate nutrition of our defenders in military hospitals of the Odesa region. But, as ElitExpert found out, the situation in Odesa region is even more disappointing with the nutrition of sick children.

In particular, the worst picture was revealed in the Regional Children's Hospital located on the street. Vorobyova, 3 in Odessa.

In accordance with Contract No. 011223/VT dated December 01.12.2022, XNUMX, which can be viewed on the Prozoro site, the service provider with medical food for patients of the specified hospital is "Food Plus" LLC.

The contract provides for the provision of four meals a day, but for some reason children are given food only three times a day. The staff explains the tsk by the fact that during the distribution of dinner, which takes place around 16 p.m., a second course and yogurt are provided. That is, you have to decide for yourself which of them is dinner.

As the parents of the child in this hospital told ElitExpert, the daily diet looks like this: breakfast - semolina and baked apple; lunch - very thin vegetable soup and mashed potatoes with a bread cutlet, lunch and/or dinner - semolina and yogurt again. And that's all.

One can only keep silent about the taste and quality characteristics of the main dishes - neither their appearance (blue semolina porridge twice a day and oak bread cutlet) nor their smell make you want to try it. A banal baked apple is not a work of culinary art, but also a spoiled one.

A cook who cooks for sick children deserves to be punished for this alone.

Separately, about hygiene and sanitation in the organization of this medical nutrition: food is given out in plastic containers that have been in use for a long time - dirt covered with these containers is everywhere.

A baked apple is served in the ward from a common bowl with a fork and placed on top of this dirty lid. Similarly, a piece of butter is issued, which does not have any protective packaging.

Parents are outraged by this and say that with so many questions to the food provider, the next medical institution where the child will end up will be an infectious disease hospital.  

And the producer of yogurt, which is not even indicated on the packaging, is completely unaware of the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles and Requirements for the Safety and Quality of Food Products" and the Law of Ukraine "On Information for Consumers Regarding Food Products" regarding labeling (Article 6 of the Law) . Even taking into account the changes in labeling, in accordance with the Decree of the CMU dated 03.03.2022 No. 186 "Some issues of labeling of food products under martial law".

Since yogurt is a perishable food, information about this product should be posted in full. In our case, the "use by date" and the name of the manufacturer or brand (this is unknown) are indicated, but there is no such useful and mandatory information such as: information on storage conditions; about the presence of ingredients in the product that cause allergic reactions or other intolerance, because it is indicated that yogurt contains filler "Cereals", without specifying which ones; there is no information at all about what this yogurt is made of and what its energy value is; even the manufacturer's contact details are missing. All this is a flagrant violation of children's rights.

At the same time, it should be noted that in July 2021, this supplier already had a history of poisoning five children aged 4 to 15 years, but, as we can see, no drastic changes have occurred. Are those responsible waiting for more victims to take action and correct the current situation?

Taking into account all the above-mentioned shortcomings of medical nutrition for children and complete unsanitary conditions in the distribution of such food, concerned parents ask the relevant authorities to immediately respond to the situation that has developed in the Odesa Regional Children's Hospital and to take all necessary measures to bring the organization of medical nutrition for children into compliance with current legislation of Ukraine.


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