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Trump calls on senators to fight for a review of the results of the presidential election

US President Donald Trump appealed to senators - members of the Republican Party

US President Donald Trump appealed to senators - members of the Republican Party to join the fight for the results of the presidential elections.

"It's time for Republican senators to enter the race for the presidency, as the Democrats would do if they actually won," Trump wrote on Twitter.

According to him, there is "irrefutable evidence" of fraud in the elections that ensured the victory of Democrat Joe Biden.

To the evidence he referred to the mass dumping of ballots received by mail in wavering states, the appearance of fake ballots in ballot boxes, double voting, "voting" of dead people, fake signatures, illegal immigrants voting, the removal of Republican observers, more votes than voters .

Trump accused the courts and the FBI of having "failed to do their job", saying that "the electoral system of the United States looks like a third world country."

The President also noted that "the freedom of the press disappeared a long time ago, this is fake news."

"But when all this is over, this period of time will become just another ugly chapter in the history of our country. We will win!!!" Trump emphasized.


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