
Queues at the TIC and mess at the precincts: how votes are counted in Odessa (video)

Various Telegram channels of Odessa publish videos of large queues in the TIC

In various Telegram channels of Odessa, they publish videos of large queues at the TIC, and also report that not all precincts have counted the ballots yet - they are delaying the process there.

This is what they write on the channels.

"Bespredel on plots 152 and 314. People have not been released for the second day, many have already received an ambulance, people simply faint. Counting ballots is delayed. Ed is issued selectively. According to the second sections, they are accused of throwing bags with linden ballots.

"With the counting of votes, there is now a rush: the members of the commissions are on their feet for the second day, the process is very slow, there are huge queues in the polling station, many ballots with errors. Last information Kosovskaia stops accepting sites for submission of protocols because of the queue. People in the future spend the second night at the sites. There are still sections that are still being counted... In Krayan, people wait for 3 hours to hand in the protocols."


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