
The group "Laskovy May" will perform in Odessa

The audience is promised a powerful dose of nostalgia

In Odesa, on September 5 at 20:00 at the "Morvokzal" concert arena, the group "Laskovy May" will perform. This was reported by the organizers.

The ambitious production project "YUA Laskovyy May" will perform on stage, which includes young, talented Ukrainian musicians and vocalist Vlad Maisky, whose voice is remarkably similar to the voice of Yuriy Shatunov.

The audience will be able to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of nostalgia, listening to well-known hits of the past years: "White Roses", "Sedaya Nocht", "Pink Evening", "Stupid Snowflakes", "Masquerade", "I'm open only with the moon". Also, the audience will be the first to hear new songs that our Ukrainian artists have already written.

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