
A passenger plane crashed in Indonesia

A passenger plane crashed in IndonesiaPhoto:

Passenger plane Boeing 737-500 flight SJ182 of Sriwijaya Air airline crashed off the coast of Indonesia. This was reported by Republika on Saturday, January 9

According to the Flightradar24 service, the Boeing lost more than 3 km of height per minute. The passenger plane took off from the airport of Jakarta, Indonesia, but after four minutes, it suddenly lost altitude above the sea and disappeared from the radar.

According to Al Jazeera, there were more than 60 passengers and six crew members on board.

It is known that the plane is 26 years old - it made its first flight in May 1994.

Later it became known that the plane fell into the water. It is confirmed that wreckage and body parts were found at the crash site.


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