
The winner of the US presidential election, Joe Biden, addressed the American people

And he named the priorities of his policy

The winner of the US presidential election, Joe Biden, and the vice-presidential candidate, Camille Harris, addressed the nation. He writes about it Air force.

The performance took place in the city of Wilmington, the capital of the state of Delaware. It was from this state that 1972-year-old Joe Biden was elected senator in 30.

"I will be the president who will not divide, but unite. I am not going to divide the states into democratic and republican states - there is only the United States. I went to this position to restore the soul of America, to restore the backbone of our nation, the middle class, and again make America respected around the world," he said.

And he turned to those who lost.

“I understand the frustration of those who voted for President Trump — well, I lost twice myself. But they are not our enemies, they are Americans," said Biden.

And he noted that, first of all, he intends to take control of the situation with the spread of the coronavirus. As it turned out, there is a Biden-Harris plan to counter the pandemic.

"Next Monday, I will present a group of leading scientists and experts who will implement this plan based on fundamental science from January 20, 2021 (Ed. - the date the new US president takes office)," Biden emphasized.


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