
Elon Musk announced the release of a budget car Tesla - for 25 thousand dollars

A new car will appear in three years

The founder of Tesla, the American billionaire Elon Musk, said that by 2023 the company will release a car worth 25 thousand dollars. The publication writes about it New York Post.

"We are confident that in three years we will be able to create a truly attractive car worth $25, which will also be fully autonomous," Musk said.

Note that this is more than 12 thousand. dollars less than the cost of Tesla's cheapest car, the Model 3 sedan, the price of which starts at $37. 990 dollars. And one third of the price of the most expensive car, Model X, which starts at 79 thousand. 990 dollars.

Musk noted that Tesla had better technologies, but now the company achieves economies of scale.


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