Science and technology

Elon Musk will establish mass production of humanoid robots

Tesla creates a robot so that in case of something, people can overcome the ego or run away from it.

Billionaire and inventor Elon Musk announced the creation of a humanoid robot Tesla Bot. A prototype model equipped with artificial intelligence will appear in 2022.

The robot will be equipped with a set of sensors used in Tesla electric cars. The height of the work will be 172 centimeters, and the weight will be about 56 kilograms. Instead of a face, he will have a screen to display information, and his arms and legs will be controlled with the help of 40 servos.

The robot will be able to go to the store instead of a person, serve items and interact with the Tesla car with the help of artificial intelligence.

To create a humanoid robot, Tesla is going to use experience with automated machines at its factories, as well as part of the hardware and software that ensures the operation of the driver assistance system (ADAS) Tesla Autopilot.

The basis of the anthropomorphic robot is the fully autonomous computer Dojo and neural networks capable of recognizing the world and navigating in it

Note that the android will walk at a speed of about 8 km/h and will be able to lift objects weighing up to 20 kg. This is due to the fact that Tesla creates a robot so that people can overcome it or run away from it.

All the specs we know so far about Elon Musk's Tesla Bot, which remains to be seen ahead of a prototype planned for next year. CNET (@CNET) August 20

According to Musk, the Tesla developers decided that "it is logical to dress the robot in a human-like form."

"If you think about it, the Tesla company can already be called the world's largest manufacturer of robots, because our machines resemble semi-intelligent robots on wheels," Musk said.

According to him, the android robot will save people from dangerous, monotonous and boring tasks.


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