
It was necessary to start negotiations earlier: Pfizer explained why there are still no deliveries of coronavirus vaccines to Ukraine

Today, February 4, Pfizer Ukraine CEO Zoryana Tsylyk told why Ukraine is still without vaccines.

Today, February 4, Pfizer Ukraine CEO Zoryana Tsylyk told why Ukraine is still without vaccines.

She reported this during an online meeting of the Global Review of the Economy of Ukraine.

The general director of the company explained that the governments of other countries concluded agreements back in June-July, when only the second stage of clinical trials began. And Ukraine should have done this before. At the moment, the Pfizer vaccine is not even registered in Ukraine.

"We cannot start detailed communication until the drug is registered in Ukraine. We are doing everything to make it happen as soon as possible. All governments concluded agreements back in July, it was necessary (Ukraine - ed.) to do it earlier. We are doing everything to ensure that the vaccine is in Ukraine, now negotiations are underway - there is hope, there are good chances," says Tsylyk.

In addition, she reported that ensuring a cold chain during the delivery of the vaccine is "easier than it seems."

"The vaccine is delivered in special thermal boxes that maintain the required temperature for five weeks. In Europe, the vaccine will be delivered by FedEx logistics company," added the company's general director.


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