
The results of the second day of vaccination against COVID: women are vaccinated twice as often as men

As of February 25, the first 7 reports of adverse consequences after immunization were received.

During the first two days of the vaccination campaign, 19 people in different regions of Ukraine were vaccinated against the COVID-1 coronavirus infection. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Health - Chief State Sanitary Doctor Viktor Lyashko at a briefing in the Ministry of Health on February 338

"For the day of February 25, 1 vaccinations against the coronavirus disease were made in Ukraine. Over the past day, more men have been vaccinated than women: 179 against 792. But I think that in the near future the proportion will be 387% to 50%, or even more. We will watch and observe the dynamics," he said.

The largest number of vaccinations over the past day were carried out in the Cherkassy and Ternopil regions, as well as Kyiv - 90 vaccinations per day.

Since the beginning of the campaign, on Wednesday and Thursday, 1 people were vaccinated. And, again, the most has been done in the Cherkassy region i-338, which was one of the first to start an immunoprophylaxis campaign against COVID."

Lyashko also reported that as of February 25, the first 7 reports of "adverse events after immunization" had been received, but according to him, "all of them are not serious."


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