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Actor Anatoly Bely resigned from the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater and left Russia

It became known that actor Anatoly Bely resigned from the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater and left Russia.

He announced this himself in social networks.

"Yes, I went.
Yes, I left the theater and generally everywhere.
Guided by the concept of professional honor, he finished his 20th season in his native Moscow Art Theater, gritting his teeth and gritting his teeth, so as not to mislead the theater, and tore it out of himself with blood.

Because I can no longer stay in a country that is waging a vile, unjust, terrible bloody war.
I can't pretend that nothing is happening, I can't see people laughing in summer cafes, I can't hear happy music pouring from the open door.

I can't be silent anymore.

My country was kicked out from under my feet, along with people I considered friends (there were only a few left), along with those I played to from the stage, naively believing that I was somehow affecting their souls and hearts. Du₽ak.

I expressed my position at the beginning of the war both on Doshta and in my social networks.
There was so much evil and hatred that I realized it was useless, really most of it was "Za".
And I shut up. I guess you can call me impressed.
But I really think we lost that battle.
We are a culture, we are those who thought and hoped for the democratic development of the country. We are not enough.
And we can be blown off the ground and history very easily.
Russia does not need us. So sorry.
Because there are a lot of wonderful people in Russia. Beautiful people.
But there is more darkness.

This is a bitter truth, but it must be accepted.
My most important word in this dark time is disappointment. It is very deep and versatile.
Disappointment in human nature, in the victory of the animal unconscious over the weak mind.
Darkness rules.
I can immediately predict such thoughts - I do not exalt myself, I am not on a white horse, I myself leave my Egypt every day and fail a lot. But I try.
I guess I'm one of those people who can't laugh after Auschwitz.
He was historically far away and didn't feel like that, but he came into my life.
It came unexpectedly and terribly.
And I don't know how to live with it yet. I am a pessimist and think that the darkness that has come upon the earth is for a very long time.

A rocket fell in Vinnytsia this morning.
Adults and children died.
I was born in Vinnytsia region.
Since February 24, I have a huge stone inside me, it is suffocating and my heart hurts every day.
No war."

We will remind you that Anatoliy Bely worked at the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater since 2003 and was involved in all major productions of the theater.


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