Kyiv must decide for itself how to conduct its military campaign
There are three components
What Durov is suspected of, how many years in prison he faces and how Russia reacted to it
The United States also imposed sanctions against intermediaries from a number of countries
US President Joe Biden at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago sharply criticized his predecessor Donald Trump and called on citizens...
The Belarusian president believes that "high-ranking persons of American origin" want the continuation of the war in Ukraine
Citizens of India in the Russian Federation were advised to contact the embassy
Starting today, August 14, a state of emergency (ES) at the regional level is being implemented in the entire Belgorod region (RF). The local authorities explain this as a difficult security...
The USA declared that they support the actions of Ukraine, which is forced to defend itself against the aggression of the Russian Federation
The spokeswoman did not comment on whether Ukraine used American weapons for this attack