Telegram channel "Truha" reports that its owner Maksym Lavrynenko and his team bought an apartment for victims from Kharkiv. "Friends, today is a special day for our team and...
Odesa Charitable Fund "Trymay" and the Telegram channel of mutual aid "7:40" are organizing a festival of creativity, energy and kindness - MoreDogFest, which will take place this Sunday, October 6, in Park M....
Children from the Krasnosil orphanage-boarding home of the Odesa region received modern toys for the development of logical thinking. The toys were handed over to the children by volunteers of the "Ajalyk" charitable foundation. As...
Odesa Charitable Fund "Trymai" and Telegram channel of mutual aid "7:40" are organizing a Master Class on authentic Ukrainian dances as part of the 87th Day of Support, which will take place this Sunday, 22...
Benefactors paid for another rehabilitation of seriously wounded military officer Oleksandr Zdraykovskyi at the rehabilitation center "Nasha Turbota". "We collected almost one hundred thousand hryvnias thanks to donations...
Free entrance. Without registration
The "Trymai" charity foundation, which constantly organizes events in Odessa for children, supports the Armed Forces of Ukraine, displaced people and helps abandoned animals, is celebrating...
The "Good Samaritan" charitable foundation is one of the oldest charitable organizations in Odessa - it was founded in 1992 and for three...
The event brought together businessmen, philanthropists, public figures and representatives of charitable foundations to support important social initiatives.
The "Trymay" charity fund is organizing the second Christmas charity festival "WINTER'S TALE" in Odessa. The event will take place on Sunday, December 24, in Gorky Park....