
Alina Pash refused to represent Ukraine at Eurovision 2022

The singer made an official statement.

Alina Pash, winner of the National Selection at Eurovision 2022, refused to represent Ukraine at the international competition. The artist made an official statement on her Instagram. This happened after the hate because of the history of forgery of documents for a trip to Krym.

"I don't want to be in this dirty story anymore. With a heavy heart, I withdraw my candidacy as a representative of Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest. Unfortunately. I'm very sorry. We will contact "Suspilny" and sign all the necessary documents. Separately, I want to thank everyone who supports and helps me, who hears my song and an important message, and not gossip about me. Thank you! "- said the artist.

Pash also said that she obeys the laws of Ukraine and does not want war and hate.

"What this story resulted in is not at all what I put into my song," the singer wrote.


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