
In Odessa, a new beach complex is organizing a children's party on the day of its opening

The event will be held on June 1

In Odessa, the new beach complex "Svora" will open the summer season by organizing a children's party. This was reported by the organizers of the event.

The holiday will be held on June 1. Various competitions, an entertainment program and a festive table are planned in the program.

"Children's Protection Day is an international holiday. A day when special attention is paid to children, their wishes and dreams. Competitions, an entertainment program, a festive table are what the representatives of the sports club "Svora" and OO Christian Mission "New Life" will provide absolutely free of charge to the children of our city on the first of June," the organizers said.

And everyone was invited to the specified event. It will start at 16:00 at the new sports beach "Svora" (former beach "Sartus") in the Arcadia district.


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