
Donetsk region leads in terms of occupancy of "covid" units

Most patients in hospitals are on oxygen support

As of October 12, 74,5% of "covid" beds in the Donetsk region are already occupied. This is reported in the Telegram channel "Coronavirus_info".

In particular, 19 people were hospitalized with COVID-2. 233 people.

Zaporozhye Oblast took second place with 69,4% (1793 people), Kharkiv Region took third place with 68,9% (3159 people).

In the Kirovohrad region, the lowest rate of occupancy of "covid" units in Ukraine was recorded - 22,6% (181 people).

In addition, at this time in the Donetsk region, 72,5% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are on oxygen support. Odessa region, where 68,6% of patients need oxygen support, and Zaporozhye region – 67,2%, also entered the top three of this anti-rating.


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