
In the world ranking of prosperity, Ukraine was between Guyana and El Salvador

And among the countries of Eastern Europe, we are the last

Ukraine took 92nd place in the world ranking of prosperity, being between Guyana (South America) and El Salvador (Central America). There are a total of 167 degrees in the rating. This is evidenced by these studies Legatum Institute.

According to published data, almost 60% of Ukrainians are overweight, and 24,8% are obese. 

According to the level of personal freedom in Ukraine, it ranks 85th, security - 144th, government management - 73rd, social capital - 147th, investment environment - 119th, conditions at enterprises - 74th, access to market and infrastructure – 77th, quality of economy – 91st, living conditions – 69th, health – 115th, level of education – 38th, environment – ​​110th place.

If compared with last year's rating, Ukraine has moved up four steps. Then it occupied the 96th position between Tunisia and Cuba.

At the same time, among the countries of Eastern Europe, Ukraine took the last place, giving way to all its neighbors.

Note that Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden and Finland make up the five leaders in terms of well-being. North America and Western Europe turned out to be the most prosperous regions, and the last line of the rating is occupied by South Sudan.


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