
Eurovision 2023 will be held in Great Britain

The European Broadcasting Union and the BBC have confirmed that Eurovision 2023 will be held in Great Britain instead of Ukraine.

The European Broadcasting Union and the BBC have confirmed that the International Eurovision Song Contest 2023 will be held in Great Britain instead of Ukraine. Ukraine will take part in the organization.

The BBC will take over the responsibilities of the organizer of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023. This week, the competition for applications among British cities for the right to host the Eurovision Song Contest will start.

Ukraine will automatically enter the Grand Final together with the "big five" ((the countries that make the largest financial contribution to the competition: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom)), the message reads.

It is known that a logo will be created for the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest that will reflect the unique circumstances of the contest.

In an EBU press release published earlier, it was announced that this decision was made after studying the possibility of holding the competition in Ukraine and, unfortunately, concluded that it was not possible for security reasons.

As a result of these discussions, the EBU invited the 2022 runner-up BBC to host the 67th Eurovision Song Contest.


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