Real estate and construction

A river port on the Tisza is planned to be built in Transcarpathia

Thanks to it, it is possible to organize international transportation along the Tisza

The state enterprise "Administration of River Ports" appealed to the Zakarpattia Regional Military Administration with a request to allocate a plot of land on the banks of the Tisza for the construction of a river port with a multimodal terminal
This was reported in the press service OVA.

According to the press service, the river port and the multimodal terminal will be the first facilities of this type within Transcarpathia. Thanks to it, it is possible to organize international transportation on the Tisza with access to larger navigable rivers.

A multimodal terminal is a production and transshipment complex used for loading, unloading, storage of goods, etc. It can be located on the territory of railway stations, airports, sea and river ports.

Currently, the local authorities of Transcarpathia are studying the documentary base, problematic issues, communicating with all interested structures in order to develop a strategy for the fastest implementation of the project.

Prospects for the implementation of this project were discussed during the meeting together with specialists of specialized departments of the regional military administration, BUVR Tysya, and border guards.

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