
In the USA, a person was hospitalized after vaccination against COVID-19 with the Pfizer drug

In New York, USA, a severe allergic reaction was recorded after vaccination against the coronavirus with a drug from Pfizer

In New York, USA, a severe allergic reaction was recorded after vaccination against the coronavirus with a drug from Pfizer. At the moment, this is the first serious case of allergy to the injection among 30 thousand vaccinations with the drug.

He writes about it NBC New York.

The person who developed a side effect from the Pfizer vaccine in the form of a severe allergic reaction was one of the medical staff. The city government of New York does not provide detailed information about the symptoms that appeared after the vaccination due to confidentiality rules. A man who was diagnosed with an allergy was hospitalized. At the moment, his condition is assessed as stable.

"People who have a history of allergic reactions to any type of vaccine or any type of injection should talk to their doctors before getting vaccinated against Covid-19," said City Health Commissioner Day Chokshi and added that he believes the vaccine is effective and safe


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