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In the USA, a fountain of water "washed" tourists from a ski lift

One of the tourists was right above the place of the breakthrough.

At the Beech Mountain ski resort in North Carolina (USA), a pipe with cold water broke under the lift.

The elevator was turned off very late. It was at this moment that one of the tourists, who was climbing the mountain, stopped at the place of the breakthrough and took an ice shower. He was given medical assistance.

The video was published on YouTube by one of the skiers.

The published footage shows that the skier in the chair was under heavy water pressure for about 20 seconds due to the fact that the lift stopped.

About 10 people decided that they were not ready for such a cold shower and jumped off the stopped elevator, which led to multiple injuries. It is forbidden to jump from the stopped funicular.

Specialists are now investigating the causes of the accident. According to the owners of the resort, the security system did not show any malfunction.


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