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Meghan Markle admitted that she wanted to commit suicide

Prince Harry's wife, Meghan Markle, said that she had suicidal thoughts while living in the royal family

Meghan Markle, the wife of Prince Harry, made a shocking confession - during her life in the royal family, she was visited by suicidal thoughts. 

The Duchess of Sussex announced this on the channel CBS Television Network in an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

According to her, she felt lonely in the palace and constantly felt pressure and harassment. 

"I just didn't want to live anymore. This was a very clear, real and very scary constant thought. I couldn't be left alone," Megan admitted.

She stated that she could not tell her husband, Prince Harry, about this, but she clearly understood that "if he does not confess, he will do it." 

The Duchess of Sussex also said that she sought help from several high-ranking employees of the royal court, but was refused help. The refusal was argued by the courtiers that this could lead to a negative reaction. After that, Megan asked for help from one of Princess Diana's best friends, but thoughts of suicide did not stop visiting her.

In addition, she admitted that after the wedding, her passport, driver's license and bank cards were taken from her, and after that she felt like a prisoner. But at the same time, Meghan added that members of the royal family are different from "the people who run this institution."

At the same time, she noted in the interview that she had a good relationship with Elizabeth II and that Her Majesty always treated her with warmth.


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