
Dubinsky was expelled from the "Servant of the People" faction

198 deputies voted to exclude Dubinsky

People's deputies from "Servants of the People" expelled Alexander Dubinsky from the faction.

198 deputies voted for the exclusion of Dubinsky, 29 were against such a decision, and 19 abstained.

Dubinsky himself commented on the event on his Telegram channel. Here is the full text.

"The text that was not even allowed to be pronounced by colleagues at the faction. Panickingly scared.

Cowardice and meanness. In one bottle.

Respected and disrespected colleagues!

Unfortunately, the events of the last three weeks vividly and clearly demonstrated the true face of the actors on the political scene of Ukraine.

Both in the presidential office and in our parliament.

All possible red lines have been crossed.

Provocations are arranged even in front of the American embassy. And in factions, they try to use fraudulent methods to get the results someone needs.

Results that have nothing to do with the interests of the Ukrainian people.

You will be responsible for what you do. This is irresponsible, baseless, immoral and humiliating for the country.

I repeat once again for everyone - this is not my personal question.

This is a question of the subjectivity of our country and its power, elected by the Ukrainian people.

The government, which you consciously make the subject of blackmail and management of scam artists and those behind them.

You can announce the results of the secret voting by Dubinsky and the voters, you can violate all conceivable and unthinkable procedures and democratic norms.

I do not want the country to live in an agenda artificially imposed by someone and not solve the most important problems that, first of all, concern our voters.

I personally ask everyone in the faction, who supports me, not to leave this faction as a sign of protest, to stay in it and to the last try to protect the President from the path to the abyss, where his impure environment is leading him.

Because our country is going into this abyss together with the President.

I will find common forms of cooperation for those who truly consider themselves servants of the Ukrainian people, and do not give in to the blackmail of swindlers and swindlers and serve non-Ukrainian interests.

We will definitely win.
Don't hesitate!"


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