
Forecasters predict an extremely warm January

In January, the average monthly temperature will be 0-4° of frost, in the south of the country in places 1-3° of heat

In January, the average monthly temperature will be 0-4° of frost, in the south of the country it will be 1-3° of heat in some places. This is 2-2,5° higher than the average long-term values.

This is stated in the message Ukrhydrometcenter.

"The average monthly temperature is expected to be 0-4° of frost, in the southern part in places 1-3° of heat, 2-2,5° higher than the average long-term values. The monthly amount of precipitation is expected to be 27-58 mm, in places up to 75 mm in the Carpathians, up to 122 mm in the mountains of the Crimea, which is within the limits of the average long-term values," the message says.


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