
The band "Bi-2" released an anti-war music video

On June 2, the band "Bi-27" released a music video for the song "Koliskova". In the video, a blindfolded Lev Bi-2 drags a heavy set of televisions, while Shura Bi-2 shaves the heads of teenagers. In the press release for the premiere of the clip, it is said that Bi-2 continues to observe the surrounding reality.

At the end of April, the band refused to play in Omsk because of the "For the President" banner at the concert venue, after which the "Bi-2" concerts were canceled in Penza, Astrakhan, Ufa and Kazan at the initiative of the local authorities. In May, a performance with the group and "Quartet I" was postponed indefinitely in St. Petersburg.


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