
Specialists of "Infoksvodokanal" donated blood for defenders of Ukraine

Vodokanal employees readily responded to the doctors' call to become donors

The other day, the office building of "Infoxvodokanal" turned into a mobile donation point. Employees of the regional blood transfusion station appealed to the management of the enterprise to donate blood for the needs of wounded soldiers. Vodokanal employees readily responded to the doctors' call to become donors.

"Community workers are representatives of one of the most peaceful professions. Our mission is to provide Odesa residents with clean water. But today, about three hundred employees of our enterprise with weapons in their hands are protecting our Motherland from the enemy. Therefore, we could not but use the opportunity to thank our military and colleagues for the opportunity to work. After all, we know that donated blood, including, will be used for the needs of the military." - noted at the enterprise.

This is not the first time such an event has been held on the territory of "Infoksvodokanal", last year several hundred employees became donors. Using their own example, communal workers call on everyone who cares to visit the regional blood transfusion station in order to contribute to preserving the life and health of defenders of Ukraine.

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