
Biden spoke before the UN General Assembly. Main theses

The US is working closely with its allies to prevent a potential Russian attack on NATO territory, Biden said

Western countries will continue to show solidarity with Ukraine and oppose Russia's special military operation, Biden said at the UN General Assembly.

The Russian Federation shamelessly violated the basic principles of the UN Charter.

"A permanent member of the UN Security Council invaded his neighboring country. Russia has shamelessly violated the foundations of the UN Charter. Putin again threatened Europe with nuclear weapons. And now Russia is recruiting even more soldiers, Russia is trying to organize a fake referendum. And this is a direct violation of the UN charter," said Biden.

The main speech:

  • no one threatened Russia and no one, except Russia, sought conflict;
  • Putin made reckless nuclear threats.
  • we will continue to show solidarity with Ukraine against Russian aggression.
  • The US is fighting to strengthen democracy at home and around the world.
  • The US is working closely with its allies to prevent a potential Russian attack on NATO territory.
  • everyone should put maximum pressure on Putin to stop the war. And the USA wants the war in Ukraine to end on fair terms.

The US wants to end this war on fair terms, Biden added:

“But you cannot take another territory by force. The only country standing on this path is Russia. Therefore, each of us undertakes to state clearly and clearly: Ukraine has the rights that every sovereign country has. We will be in solidarity with Ukraine, we will be against Russia's aggression - period."


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