
"Ukrenergo" plans to bill Russia for destroyed energy infrastructure facilities

The company records all damage in real time every day

The company "Ukrenergo" is going to officially make a claim to Russia regarding compensation for destroyed energy infrastructure facilities.

This was stated by Maksym Yurkov, Director of Legal Affairs of NEC "Ukrenergo".

According to him, the company records all damages in real time every day.

"We are drawing up an estimate and in the near future we will bill the Russians for our destroyed facilities. We already have some experience in issuing invoices to the Russian Federation. Because we are one of the few who have sued and are continuing this process regarding our assets in Crimea," said Yurkov.

He added that a legal mechanism is already being developed, thanks to which the company will be able to protect its interests in terms of compensation for the damage caused.


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