The animals are in the safe hands of the Odesa Zoo workers. Despite the air alarms, which have already become regular, the animals look calm, they are full and...
The series of New Year's holidays, which begins on December 19 with the celebration of St. Nicholas Day, is a time that all children look forward to. By tradition,...
She entered the Book of Records of Ukraine.
On the coast.
At Bolshoi Fontane.
A parade of the Ukrainian Navy took place in the water area of Odessa, which took place simultaneously with the parade in Kyiv.
The film festival is timed to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence with a focus on national cinema.
on the occasion of the opening of the XXXII Summer Olympic Games.
It was built for 31 months, and it became the first runway that was built in Ukraine in more than 10 years.
There is a threat of further collapse of the building.