
Unblocking €50 billion for Ukraine: Hungary makes new demand - Politico

The Hungarian government, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, has put forward a new demand for unlocking 50 billion euros for Ukraine. Budapest can lift its veto provided the funding is reviewed annually. It is reported Politico.

As the publication writes, Budapest is ready to lift the EU's veto on aid to Ukraine on the condition that the European Council unanimously approves funding on an annual basis.

"In practice, this would give Orbán the opportunity to block funding of Ukraine from the EU every year — or to get concessions from Brussels for giving up the right of veto," — writes Politico.

Hungary formulated the corresponding proposal on Friday, January 5, during a meeting of 27 EU budget experts and sent the relevant document to the EU Council, currently chaired by Belgium.

According to the diplomat, the plan envisages that the block will provide Ukraine with EUR 12,5 billion in grants and loans every year. It will amount to 50 billion euros over four years.

"While this is not the first time Hungary has floated the idea, it marks a significant departure from Orbán's rhetoric in recent weeks, when he opposed any grants to Ukraine from the EU budget. But some EU diplomats remain skeptical, pointing out that the decision from year to year will not provide predictability for Ukraine." - explains the publication.

According to the diplomat, the MFF is a multi-year program, so it cannot be voted on every year.

The issue of financing Ukraine from the EU is on the agenda of the meeting of ambassadors of EU member states, scheduled for Wednesday, January 10.

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