
A massive missile attack was carried out in the south of Ukraine

Strikes in the south of Ukraine were carried out, including with the use of aircraft in the direction of the Black Sea.

Strikes in the south of Ukraine were carried out, including with the use of aircraft in the direction of the Black Sea.

Several air-launched missiles were launched.

In Odesa region, private buildings of Zatoka coastal villages have been hit with subsequent ignition. Rescuers are working on the ground.

As a result of the accident, a man was injured, who refused to be hospitalized after receiving medical assistance, the State Emergency Service reported.

"Morning, an ordinary Zatoka village. People rested and lived. No bases, no troops. The terrorists from the Russian Federation just wanted to shoot. They will be responsible for everything. Every "liberator" who destroys our lives," Zelenskyy wrote

The port infrastructure was attacked in the Mykolayiv region.

The S-300 anti-aircraft missile system from the temporarily occupied Kherson region was struck in the Mykolaiv district. There are hits in the car market, other open areas of the suburbs.

"As a result of today's shelling of Mykolaiv, one of the city's boiler houses was damaged," the mayor of Mykolaiv, Oleksandr Senkevich, announced, and published a photo of the consequences.


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